Poplar Springs Baptist Church
P.O. Box 124
6000 Poplar Springs Road
Ware Shoals, SC 29692
(864) 861-2196


  • Poplar Springs Baptist Church
    Ware Shoals, SC - 1794
    In June of 1794 Arthur Durham and David McGladery petitioned the Turkey Creek Baptist Church for the privilege of collecting members about them to see if they were "ripe for constitution." On July the 14th 1794 the Poplar Springs Baptist Church was organized in Ware Shoals County, South Carolina. ("The Scrapbook, a Compilation of Historical Facts About Places and Events of Laurens County, South Carolina, Laurens County Historical Society and Laurens County Arts Council, 1982," pg. 479 .)

Poplar Springs Baptist Church
Copyright ©2010 Poplar Springs Baptist Church
All rights reserved.